This digitisation program is for a larger social cause by a social institute. This program does not have any commercial intent.
This program requires significant financial resources. Arya Samaj Foundation has provided the start up funding of this program. But, this program is much larger than the funding contributed. It is for the benefit of Vedic Institutes globally and hence, needs to be supported at scale.
Our intent is to provide digital solutions to the Vedic Institutes either free or at minimal cost. In addition, a very significant part of the expense is such that they can only be incurred centrally. It is difficult to allocate cost to Vedic Institutes. For instance, digitisation of Vedas and vedic scriptures or books is a central project. Someone has to do this, but it will benefit everyone. Overall, this digital program is like a Yagya, where the benefits are not restricted to the Yajmaan, but spread far and wide.
Hence, if you agree with the relevance of this program for the larger society and are capable of contributing economically, then we request you to contribute generously for this program.
You may contribute to the overall digitisation project or may sponsor specific modules or sub-modules. Please reach out to us if you are interested in sponsoring a specific sub-module. We will share with you the details.
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