Prabandhan is the module that helps improve the effectiveness of Vedic Institutions, be it Arya Samaj, Gurukuls, Ashrams or any other. While digitization has entered every aspect of our life, most of the work in Vedic institutes continues to be done the way they have been done decades back.
In Prabandhan, we would like to digitize the work flows of the Vedic Institutions. We share illustrative applications
- Archive digitally the documents of records like property records and critical files of Vedic Institutions. Through this, all assets of the samaj, both movable and immovable can be managed.
- Manage inbound communication such that our responses to all kinds of communication are timely and more effective.
- Manage proper records of all court cases and enable proper follow up across all Vedic institutions.
- Manage data of all kinds of stakeholders (members, guests, Prachaaraks, Alumni of Vedic institutions etc.,) such that we can engage effectively with them.
- Maintain financial bookkeeping and generation of various dashboards.
- Manage various kinds of events (like Annual function of Samaj, camps etc.,)
While most of the requirements above are common across all Arya Samaj, yet there may be a possibility that specific requirements of a few Samaj or Gurukul/ Ashrams may not have been covered so far. We will try to cover the specific requirements of those institutions that sign up for participating in the digital journey along with us.