We are laying out our requirements of digitization. But, we recognise that we are not the first or the only ones to think about the need for digitization. If you, as an individual or a Group, have developed a solution that addresses any of the requirements of digitization in any of the modules, we invite you to join hands.
We are keen to integrate existing solutions and applications (both web and mobile app based) into our platforms. We do not want to reinvent the wheel by developing a solution that is already there. Neither do we want to compete with anyone. Instead, we would like to co-opt various solutions already developed.
Few considerations we would like to keep in mind.
- We will evaluate the solution. We may suggest improvements for you to make. We will also provide necessary technical and financial support to upgrade your solution.
- We can consider both options,
- You owning the solution and integrating with the platform we have created through an API or
- Transferring ownership to us against suitable consideration.
- We will suitably acknowledge your role and those who have supported the development of the solution onto the platform once you have integrated it with or transferred it to us.
Hence, we invite all those who have had the passion of Vedic digitization in their hearts and have followed this passion to develop their solutions. Let us join hands for larger good and greater impact.
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