The process of digitisation of Vedas has been led by Shri Virendra Agarwal since 2010. He has been responsible for digitising all the Mantras of the four vedas along with their Bhashya and making them freely available to the masses. He has also led the digitisation of numerous books of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswathi. In this work, he has been supported by multiple scholars across the country. The technical platform has been developed by Shri Raj Arya ji.

Arya Samaj Foundation has adopted this program from January 2023. Shri Virendra continues to lead this program.

Veda Bhashya has been written in various languages by multiple Vedic scholars. We are continuing with the digitization of Bhashyas in different languages. Digitizing them will not only help preserve them, but also make them easily available to masses, globally.

We invite all the Arya Samaj Institutions from each of the States, where a local language other than Hindi is being spoken, to come together and take the lead in sponsoring the digitization of Vedas in their respective local language. This will help save the Bhashya in their local language forever.

While our current appeal is for Veda bhashya, in future, we also intend to make available all the other Vedic scriptures in local languages. We invite participation of various Arya Samaj, individuals, corporates and social organizations in this effort which will not only help preserve the Vedas & scriptures digitally, but also make it accessible to everyone globally.

There are more than 20000 mantras in Vedas. Average cost of digitising one mantra is Rs.200. Thus, if you want to bear the cost of digitizing 10 mantras, you can donate Rs.2000. Thus, proportionate to the amount you donate, you will get the credit for digitization of as many mantras. Your sponsorship will get recognised alongside the mantras on the web site.

If you would like to donate online for digitization, you may donate here. Link to donation

If you are interested in participating in the project on digitization of Vedas through your Samaj or institution, please write to us at